There are 3 types of variable in java
output :
Output code :
- Local variable
- Instance variable or member variable
- Class variable or static variable
variable :
- Local variables are declared inside methods, constructors, or blocks.
- Local variable accessed from it's block only.
- Local variables uses process stack memory not heap space memory.
- Local variables have to initialized they don't have any default value.
package com.fastlearned; public class TestVariable { { // example of a local variable inside the block int block_v = 20; System.out.println("Inside a block : "+block_v); } TestVariable() { // example of a local variable inside the constructor int constructor_v = 30; System.out.println("Inside a constructor : "+constructor_v); } /* * Example of a local method */ public void localMethod() { // example of a local variable inside a method String local_v = "Great Example in fastlearned"; System.out.println("Inside a method : "+local_v); } /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { TestVariable testVariable = new TestVariable(); testVariable.localMethod(); } }
output :
Inside a block : 20 Inside a constructor : 30 Inside a method : Great Example in fastlearned
Variable or member variable
- Instance variables are declared inside a class, but outside of a method, constructor or block.
- Space for an instance variable is allocated in JVM Heap Space.
- Instance variable has a default value.
- Instance variable can be accesses from anywhere inside the class except static block or method.
- Instance variables are accessed outside of a class also according to their access modifier.
package com.fastlearned; public class TestVariable { private int m_var = 10; private int m_var2 = 20; TestVariable() { // member or instance variable accessed from the constructor System.out.println("Inside a constructor : "+m_var); } /* * Example of a local method */ public void localMethod() { // member or instance variable accessed inside a method System.out.println("Inside a method : "+m_var2); } /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { TestVariable testVariable = new TestVariable(); testVariable.localMethod(); } }
Output code :
Inside a constructor : 10 Inside a method : 20
variable or static variable :
- Varible those are declared inside a class using static keyword but outside block,constructor or method.
- A single copy of these variable is used among multiple instances of the class.
- Static
variable are called by using their [class name].[variable name]
package com.fastlearned; public class TestVariable { private static int s_var = 10; TestVariable() { // static or class variable accessed from the constructor System.out.println("Inside a constructor : " + s_var); } /* * Example of a local method */ public void localMethod() { // member or instance variable accessed inside a method System.out.println("Inside a method : " + s_var); } /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { TestVariable testVariable = new TestVariable(); testVariable.localMethod(); System.out.println("Out side the class " + TestVariable.s_var); } }output :
Inside a constructor : 10 Inside a method : 10 Out side the class 10
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